Our Learning Philosophy
For a well rounded educational experience at Hemlock Hill, we’ve created an approach that we call the S.N.A.I.L philosophy.
With hands on activities and a notebooking style of documentation, our students are introduced to applying the scientific method in a fun and engaging way. Involving children in research can be highly beneficial for their cognitive and emotional development.
Children are naturally curious about the world around them. Through nature studies, we are able to make connections to the local forests, watersheds, plants, animals, fungi, and more! Concentrating on seasonal topics helps children feel more in tune with nature.
Our students create artwork to display their understanding of the current Science or Nature topics. Using this method inspires a deeper understanding of the subject. Regular art projects also increase creativity and exploration of color, shapes, and mediums.
In a forest school setting children are encouraged to take healthy risks and gain confidence. Our students learn personal responsibility of gear and getting dressed appropriately for the weather. We build in public speaking to classmates that helps to form an individual “voice” among the group.
Life Skills
When children are given the opportunity to be involved in community tasks it builds pride, confidence, and value. Our students are learning life skills such as cooking, weaving, team building, foraging, knot tying, catching crayfish, fire building, and more!