
  • Early Learners

    Our Early Learners program in 2023 was a popular option and a great addition to our community. At this time we have decided to focus our efforts in 2024 to our hybrid Homeschooling groups and will not be running the Early Learners program.

    If the Early Learners program becomes available, even on a separate day than our regular 2 day program, updates will be posted.

  • Elementary Home School Students

    As the local homeschool population grows we are proud to offer a 2 day a week hybrid supplement program for children ages 5-13. Classes are Wednesdays and Thursdays from September to May.

    We offer 2 Upper Elementary and 2 Lower Elementary groups. Children are placed in class groups based on multiple factors such as age, social and academically appropriate fit.

    Hemlock Hill Academy encompasses Science, Nature, Art, Independence (capability), and Life Skills (such as cooking, sewing, fire building, wood carving, etc). Our goal is to learn in and from nature while being outdoors as much as possible during all Seasons.

    Additional skills such as: whittling, sewing, weaving, cooking, art, etc. are also integrated throughout the year.

    2024 - 2025 Days/Times:

    Wed/Thu: 9:30AM - 3:00PM


    Application Fee: $75 per student

    Enrollment Deposit: $125 per student

    Tuition: $2300